Watermark Brand Descriptors
Warm. Non intimidating, familiar, friendly, safe. Somewhere you would take an un-churched person and they would not feel threatened or as if they were in an unfamiliar environment.
Inviting/Welcoming. “We’re glad you’re here!” atmosphere, “this is what I’ve been looking for”. A place others would want to use for non-church events.
Simple. Not confusing or complex but what you see is what you get. Plain, not fancy. Not elegant.
Exciting. Something is about to happen! What an opportunity! These people! This place! This person! When you walk in you think or say wow!
Open/Spacious. Not cubicle feeling. Places that would encourage open conversations.
Usable. One day, three events, one place! Everything looks like it is supposed to be there.
Timeless. Won’t have to redecorate next fall! Things that don’t go out of style. No fads.
Texas/Southern. “My kind of church”, Hill country in outward appearance but not rustic inside.
Hospitable. Not your “just Sunday kind of place”, not a museum but the place Jesus would call “Cheers.” A place where you would/could invite anyone from anywhere.
Hill Country. Timeless stone and wood structure that speaks of class, ruggedness, and a beauty that is uniquely Southern. Best elements from Hyatt Hill Country resort in San Antonio.
Relax. A state where temporary stresses are put o hold and focus can be on the eternally important. Lots of sitting areas around over stuffed leather couches.
Rest/Retreat. Soothing, refreshing to the soul. A place where you feel at home.
Laugh. A place where you would not be uncomfortable to laugh out loud. Not a quiet cold environment.
Explore/Be Trained. Invites the pursuit of truth and how it’s fleshed out. Just being there would open you up to want to grow.
Challenged/Motivated. Not to be complacent but to excel still more. A place that motivates me through its design, color, landscaping. Makes me want to sign up, invest in, join.
Connect. To exist and find purpose, meaning, and significance in community. Places large enough to include and encourage spontaneous large gatherings.
Contribute/Serve. To fulfill our purpose in living. A place where one would want to invest time, energy, and resources.
Return. Home base, mooring, safety net. A place where people would gladly, even anxiously come back.
Engage. Where it happens in community, with accountability. A place where one would feel a part.
Celebrate. Expression of joyful living, gratitude, and honor to the giver of life which is shared with those with whom you live life. A place where kids would want to have their birthday party, where people would want to have not only their wedding, but their reception. A place that would celebrate life, foster friendships and encourage a hear to express gratitude for being alive.
Wood/Beam. Thick, strong, expansive, powerful. Timber Frame exposed wood. Not finished, but not too rustic. Not Texana.
Year Round Color. Permanent greens and planted seasonal flowers. Live Oak trees, overseeded grass, seasonal color changes of lowers both inside and out.
Wild Flowers. Area of natural habitat. Soft and flowing. Sages and lemon grass. Sea oats and junipers.
Water Feature. Moving water over stones that creates a peaceful environment. A series of features that are interactive and fun for kids as well as functional for a baptism, and beautiful ad serene on which to look. Central focus would be the baptism lake.
Stone. Native stone blocks. Soft patterns where stones are different sizes and shallow mortar joints.
Climbing Walls. A great statement in the gathering entry hall that invites people to have a great time at a “church” building.
Porches. Covered areas with chairs that can be used in all weather, all year. Overhangs that overlook areas outside where one can see/be involved in what is happening.
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